The Rosemont Cemetery Association offers several options for burial. Our current pricing is provided below. Please contact us for more information on fees, plot availability and to answer any questions you may have.
Please note that at this time, we cannot accept credit cards
Traditional Sections:
Grave Price: $1,500
Interment Fee*:
Casket Burial: $1,525
Cremation Burial**: $775
Memorial Stone Cleaning:
Prices are dependent on size and type of stone. Please contact us for more information.
* Interment fees provided here are Monday – Friday rates. Contact us for weekend and holiday rates.
** Up to three sets of cremains may be interred in one grave space. If there is a casket burial first, only two sets of cremains may be buried in that grave.
Prices, terms and conditions subject to change. Contact Cemetery for the most current information.
Rosemont Memorial Garden:
(Natural Burial)
Grave Price:
Full Grave: $2,500
Cremation Grave: $800
Interment Fee*:
Casket Burial: $2,125
Cremation Burial**: $775
* Interment fees provided here are Monday – Friday rates.
Contact us for weekend and holiday rates.
**Up to one full body plus one set of cremains or two sets of cremains can be buried in one full body grave space
Prices, terms and conditions subject to change. Contact Cemetery for the most current information.
Payment Plan
We recognize that purchasing plots in advance of need can be a strain financially, but planning ahead can ease the stress and burden on your family members. With this in mind, we are pleased to offer a pre-need payment plan for grave purchases that provides the following benefits:
· Same price as if paid for in full at time of purchase
· 0% interest
· 4 convenient payments spread over a 12-month term*
*Please note that the first payment serves as a deposit and is due at the time the plan is originated
Contact us today if you would like to set up an appointment, need further information or simply have questions you need answered. We are here to provide you with the information you need to make one of the most important purchases you will ever make.
For information or assistance, please contact:
Lisa Aron, Secretary
(609) 488-6959